I got my Covid shot today. Let’s all get ours

Issued by John Steenhuisen MP – Leader of the Democratic Alliance
25 Aug 2021 in News

Please find attached pictures of DA Federal Leader John Steenhuisen MP, receiving his Covid shot here, here, here, here, here and here.

Today I received the first of my Covid-19 vaccination shots at the Cape Town International Convention Centre in the city’s Foreshore.

Aside from the reassurance of knowing that I have significantly boosted my own body’s resilience to the virus and also helped keep those I come into contact with safer, I was blown away by the world-class operation at the CTICC.

The entire process, from arrival to jab, took around 20 minutes, and throughout I was directed and informed in a highly efficient and professional manner. It is inspiring to see such a well-run operation in service of such a crucial cause, and it confirmed once again what people have been saying for years: DA governments know how to get things done.

 I want to encourage all South Africans who have not yet had the vaccination to go out and get it as soon as possible. Bolstering the immunity of our society and keeping people out of hospital is the only way we will be able to return to normality soon, and this can only be achieved through vaccination. The full approval by the FDA this week of the Pfizer shot should also put to bed many of the doubts and fears brought about through misinformation.

If you’re over 18, please get yourself registered on the EVDS system and find out where your nearest vaccination site is. You will be amazed at how quick and painless it is, and you cannot put a price on the peace-of-mind that this protection offers you and your loved ones. I had to delay my own first shot due to a recent appendix surgery, but I am extremely grateful and relieved that I now can say I am one of the vaccinated.

I also want to implore employers to assist their staff where they can. Many people are hesitant because they don’t know whether they can take time off, or how they will get to the vaccination site. It is in everyone’s interest that our society and our economy get back to normal as soon as possible – and particularly for business owners who need their employees healthy and present – so please help by reassuring staff that they will be given time to get the shot, and perhaps also by assisting with transport.

This vaccination drive is not something a government can do on its own. It requires buy-in and cooperation from individuals and businesses alike. Let us prove that we are capable of mounting a whole-of-society response to this pandemic.