The DA is building a future based on freedom, fairness, opportunity and diversity for all!

The Democratic Alliance (DA) is a part of the Government of National Unity and the second largest political party in South Africa.

Tracing our roots back to the anti-apartheid movement, our approach is rooted in the fight for freedom and fairness for all South Africans.

Our historic mission is to establish, for the first time in our history, a fair society which will enable the South African people to unleash their talents and ingenuity so that they can realise their full potential. We call this the Open, Opportunity Society for All.

We are the only party with a credible, proven plan to create real jobs. Currently, over 7 million South Africans across the country experience some form of DA governance where they live.

One nation with one future built on freedom, fairness, opportunity, and diversity for all.

– Our dream for South Africa

Why the DA?

Celebrating 20 years of the Democratic Alliance

June 2020 marks 20 years since the formation of the Democratic Alliance. Today, and for the last twenty years, the DA has been at the forefront of democracy, working hard to make life better for every South African.

Both in our role as official opposition, which requires us to hold power to account and ensure the protection of our constitution, to our role as a party of government for over 7 million South Africans, we will keep up the fight year-round to build a better nation.

Thank-you South Africa for all your support!

"DA's different because it's a party that represents different South Africans...

Because we all share the same values and the same vision with our white counterparts, including Indians or coloureds – any other South African."