Please find attached an English and an Afrikaans soundbite by Dr Leon Schreiber MP.
During yesterday’s debate on the President’s State of the Nation Address (SONA), Justice Minister Ronald Lamola became the latest ANC apparatchik to desperately defend cadre deployment corruption against the DA’s mounting successes in our war to eliminate this evil practice.
Responding to the DA’s earlier speakers who exposed ANC cadre deployment as the root of corruption, state capture and collapsing service delivery, Lamola made the outlandish claim that “cadre deployment works.”
He said this even after the DA’s Dr Leon Schreiber had quoted directly from the State Capture Commission, which found the practice to be unlawful, and from the Framework for the Professionalisation of the Public Sector, which says cadre deployment must be “ditched.”
From the ANC’s perspective, Lamola probably does believe that cadre deployment “works” – because the ANC’s intention has always been to use this system for corruption rather than service delivery. Cadre deployment has certainly succeeded in corrupting our state and ensuring that the ANC captures control of “all levers of power,” to the detriment of all 60 million people of this country.
Following in the footsteps of former ANC cadre deployment chairman, Cyril Ramaphosa, as well as Gwede Mantashe, Lamola also claimed that “We have done it (cadre deployment) before, and we will do it again.”
Lamola and the ANC are in for the shock of their lives. Not only has South African society united behind the DA in our quest to abolish this evil. But we are systematically winning the war against cadre deployment corruption.
The Zondo Commission confirmed our stance that this practice is unlawful. We won our court case forcing the ANC to make public all cadre records. And we are going to win our other court challenge to declare this evil system unconstitutional. And in 2024 the DA is going to replace the ANC as governing party so that we can abolish cadre deployment from the face of this country.
It simply no longer matters what Lamola, Ramaphosa or any other ANC lackey thinks – the DA is busy dismantling this system in front of their very eyes.
In 2024, the ANC will join its beloved system of cadre deployment corruption on the dustbin of history, when the DA leads a new government that ensures merit-based appointments and honest good government that serves the people, not the corrupt ANC.