Note to editors: Please find attached soundbite by Manny de Freitas MP.
The DA welcomes the rational decision by the new minister of Tourism, Patricia de Lille, to stop the ludicrous R1 billion Tottenham Hotspur deal immediately.
De Lille’s decision comes after much public and political opposition to the proposed plan by the South African Tourism board. She echoed what the DA has long been saying that the Tottenham sponsorship is unlawful.
While we welcome this move we further reiterate our call for these funds to be re-directed to much-needed dilapidated tourism infrastructure throughout the country. By doing this we will be ensuring that our tourism numbers will grow particularly in lesser-known parts of the country so that more on-the-ground opportunities and job creation takes place.
Further we note that De Lille will also engage with the SAT board regarding the illegal appointment of SAT board members.
We request that the minister provide to the portfolio committee a full report of all expenditure with regards to this deal as well as full breakdown on costing. This deal was a total waste of taxpayer monies and as such the minister must identify and reveal the names of those who will be held accountable to the committee. There should be stringent measures in place to hold SAT board members to account.
The DA will continue to hold the department of Tourism and the SAT board accountable and ensure that public funds are spent to uplift and grow our tourism industry sustainably.
At the next Tourism Portfolio Committee meeting I will continue to push for an investigation as to how this matter was even considered in the first place.