DA condemns hostage situation at Goldone Modder East Mine

Issued by Ashor Sarupen MP – DA Constituency Head for Springs, Brakpan and Nigel
24 Oct 2023 in News

I am deeply concerned and appalled by the ongoing hostage situation at the GoldOne-Modder East mine, where approximately 543 miners are allegedly being held against their will.

According to reports, this incident is being orchestrated by representatives of the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu).

As a town build on mining, the safety and well-being of the mining community in Springs is critical, and all acts that threatens the lives and security of these miners is unacceptable.

We call for the immediate and safe release of all miners involved in this situation.

It is crucial that those responsible for this illegal and dangerous act be held accountable. We expect law enforcement agencies to act swiftly in investigating and bringing those behind this incident to justice.

We also call upon AMCU to cooperate fully with law enforcement authorities and facilitate the safe release of the miners.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the miners who are currently being held underground, as well as their families who are undoubtedly anxious about their loved ones’ safety.

We also express our gratitude to the medics and first responders who are working tirelessly to ensure the injured receive the necessary medical attention.

As the DA Member of Parliament allocated to this area, I will closely monitor the situation.

We will continue to advocate for the rights and safety of our mining community, and we stand united in the pursuit of justice and a swift resolution to this crisis.

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