The City of Tshwane has launched Tswelopele Action Fridays as part of its combined
effort to clean, safeguard and protect our natural environment.
Under the Tswelopele Action Fridays, clean-up operations will take place on the last
Friday of every month with the help of communities, organisations and businesses that partner with the City in pursuit of a clean, liveable and prosperous capital city.
The MMC for Roads and Transport, Cllr Dikeledi Selowa, led today’s clean-up efforts
in partnership with non-profit organisation, Soulbent, based in Saulsville, Region 3.
This organisation conducts regular clean-ups with the assistance of 200 volunteers.
The campaign targeted Phatudi Secondary School, Library Park, Saulsville Hospice
and Masupa Cemetery, and saw 1 550 bags of waste being removed in the process.
In the last 14 months, the Mayoral Tswelopele Clean-up Campaign has been
successfully relaunched in all seven regions of Tshwane with a growing number of
community-driven requests to partner with the municipality in keeping our city clean.
Residents are also encouraged to join these clean-up efforts in their communities.
It is important to note that our Tswelopele Clean-up Campaign does not replace
regular City cleaning programmes, but is aimed at mobilising businesses, public
benefit organisations and communities to come together and work towards keeping
Tshwane clean.