Zimbabwean elections set the stage for a new democratic agenda

Issued by Steven Mokgalapa MP – DA Shadow Minister of International Relations and Cooperation
30 May 2018 in News

The DA welcomes the announcement by Zimbabwean President, Emmerson Mnangagwa, that the country’s national elections will take place on 30 July 2018.

The DA calls on President Mnangagwa to maintain his “new era of freedom and hope” and ensure that the elections are free, fair and transparent. The elections must comply with the SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections as well as the African Union’s Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance.

We note with concern the ruling by Zimbabwean Courts that Zimbabweans in the diaspora will not be able to cast their votes,  as Zimbabweans abroad should have the democratic right to vote for the party of their choice.

The DA’s Deputy Chief Whip, Mike Waters, is introducing a Private Member’s Bill to allow South Africans living overseas to be included in Provincial elections and for an increase of voting stations internationally,  and we encourage opposition leaders in Zimbabwe to fight for Zimbabweans abroad to be afforded the same rights.

The DA will closely monitor events as they unfold. Now is the time for Zimbabwe’s new democratic agenda to be set.