DA lays criminal charges against NMB Mayor Bobani

13 Mar 2019 in News

The looting of funding for the Nelson Mandela Bay Integrated Public Transport System (IPTS) has been ongoing for years and it is now time for those involved to be held accountable.

Today, 13 March 2019, I laid criminal charges in respect of the Prevention and Combatting of Corrupt Activities Act against Nelson Mandela Bay Executive Mayor, Cllr Mongameli Bobani, and former ANC regional secretary, Mr Zandisile Qupe, at the Humewood Police Station in Port Elizabeth. (see affidavit attached)

During my term as NMB Executive Mayor an extended investigation into fraud and corruption within the IPTS project was ongoing. This investigation was launched by the now suspended City Manager, Mr Johann Mettler, with assistance from National Treasury.

The DA administration worked very closely with law enforcement agencies as to ensure that all information relating to fraudulent and suspicious activities within the IPTS was made available.

Recent media reports have highlighted that Cllr Bobani, has been implicated in alleged fraud and corruption within the IPTS project. The Mayor has allegedly solicited and/or received funding and unlawfully benefitted from public funds.

Cllr Bobani has recently been responsible for initiating disciplinary action against Mr Mettler.  He was placed on cautionary suspension as from September 2018.

This move by Cllr Bobani was motivated by the fact that Mr Mettler was the driving force behind the investigation into IPTS corruption and fraud allegations levelled against the  him.

Media reports have also brought to light that Mr Qupe has been implicated in IPTS fraud and corruption allegations and that he allegedly solicited and received funding and unlawfully benefitted from public funds.

A Mayor should be beyond reproach. Other allegations of corruption have also been levelled against Cllr Bobani and he is absolutely quiet about this.

According to reports Cllr Bobani appears to be helping himself to the city purse, while the job of a mayor is to safeguard the people’s money.

I call on the South African Police Service (SAPS) to speedily investigate these very serious charges and act against  those to be found guilty.

The DA led coalition government showed what was possible to achieve in two short years in government. We ensured that IPTS busses are on the road and we also built the highly secured Clearly Park Bus Depot and cancelled corrupt contracts to the tune of R650 million.

We remain resolute that only a DA government can fight corruption, create fair access to jobs and speed up basic service delivery in Nelson Mandela Bay.

The Democratic Alliance is bringing change that builds One South Africa for All.

You can download the pictures here, here, here and here.