DA WC Debate Speeches: Building a non-racial and united South Africa

Issued by DA Media –
12 May 2022 in Speeches

The following speeches, members’ statements and declarations were delivered in the Western Cape Provincial Parliament on Thursday, 12 May.


Matlhodi Maseko MPP – Fostering unity through inclusionary housing

DA Western Cape Spokesperson on Human Settlements

082 085 7014

Ricardo Mackenzie MPP – Paving the way toward a truly non-racial, united South Africa

DA Western Cape Acting Spokesperson on Community Safety

078 564 5341


Andricus Van Der Westhuizen MPP – DA Western Cape Spokesperson on Environmental Affairs

Larraine Botha MPPDA Western Cape Spokesperson on Local Government

Matlhodi Maseko MPPDA Western Cape Spokesperson on Human Settlements

Deidré Baartman MPPDA Western Cape Spokesperson on Education


Mireille Wenger MPP

DA Chief Whip: Western Cape Provincial Parliament