Click here for a soundbite by Siviwe Gwarube MP, Deputy Chief Whip of the DA.
Last week, I wrote to the Speaker of the National Assembly, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula to argue that the rules of the National Assembly demand that the President appears before Parliament to answer questions on burning issues facing South Africans. See the letter here.
This morning, during the National Assembly Programming Committee (NAPC) – with the support of opposition parties across the board – we argued that President Cyril Ramaphosa should fulfil his obligation to Parliament and be scheduled for Questions to the President during this term of the National Assembly.
This is in accordance with Rule 140 of the National Assembly rules which states that the President should appear before Parliament to answer questions at least once a quarter. This has not been scheduled in the current draft of the second term programme.
Despite the fierce opposition from the Speaker and the ANC MPs in the committee, the opposition was able to argue for accountability and for Parliament to flex its muscle as it pertains to holding the executive to account.
We will be unrelenting on this matter. The Zondo Commission Report details how Parliament has failed in its responsibility of demanding accountability from the executive on behalf of the people of South Africa. We will never allow the same to happen again.
The continued stonewalling of the work of Parliament by the ANC will not succeed. We will be intolerant of the Zuma Presidency era tactics of keeping the President away from Parliament when there are crises like the rising cost of living facing ordinary South Africans.
People have been let down by public representatives for far too long. It can no longer be allowed to continue.