DA welcomes Parliament’s rejection of Glen Mashinini as IEC Commissioner

Issued by Angel Khanyile MP – DA Shadow Minister of Home Affairs
08 Jun 2022 in News

Please find attached soundbite by Angel Khanyile MP.

The DA welcomes Parliament’s rejection of Glen Mashinini as Commissioner of the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC). The DA has been very clear in our objection to extend Mashinini’s term as Electoral Commissioner due to the many failings of the IEC under his watch.

During Mashinini’s term, there has been an unprecedented decline in voter turnout of 3 million since 2016. Numerous reports have highlighted the apathy under young South Africans to vote, yet the IEC does not have a tangible plan to attract them. The registration of people aged between 18 to 35 keeps declining each and every election.

This, coupled with the serious concerns with the voters roll over several elections, indicates that the IEC leadership does not have the competence or political will to ensure free and fair elections in South Africa. During the local government elections (LGE) in 2021, multitudes of voters did not appear on the voters roll despite registering in time, many were registered in the wrong voting district, or their names were moved to different wards without notification.

Given the myriad of serious problem that remain unaddressed despite assurances to the parliamentary portfolio committee on home affairs, it is no wonder that trust in the IEC has declined from 69% in 2014 to 36% in 2021.

During Mashinini’s term there’s been lack of accountability within the IEC – issues of irregular conduct by some of IEC presiding officers remain unresolved and nothing is being done to address the various issues raised.

Under Mashinini’s watch, the IEC failed its most basic mandate to manage voter registration and elections in such a way that every person entitled to be registered and vote can do so.

The DA welcomes the victory of democracy over cadre deployment.