Please find attached English and Afrikaans soundbites by Cilliers Brink MP.
Councillors of the ANC and the EFF in Tshwane yesterday walked out of a meeting of the municipal council to prevent their own motions of no confidence in the mayor of Tshwane, Randall Williams, from being debated.
After having delayed the business of the municipal council for several hours, the ANC and the EFF finally had the chance to make their case against mayor Williams in the early hours of the next morning. But no such case was made.
Instead the parties insisted that their respective motions of no confidence not be debated or voted on. Had these motions been dealt with, they would have been defeated, and in terms of the rules and orders of the municipal council a similar motion would not have been allowed for another three months.
It is clear that the ANC/EFF block in Tshwane hopes for something to turn up in their favour: an opportunity to drive a wedge between the parties in Tshwane’s multi-party coalition government, and so make up the numbers they lack to pass a motion of no confidence in the mayor.
The DA is determined not to let this happen. We will defend Tshwane’s multi-party coalition against the onslaught by the ANC and the EFF, and ensure that the city has a minimum level of stability to get things done.