R200 000 donation towards school shoes and soccer balls to schools in Nyanga and Gugulethu

Issued by Siviwe Gwarube – DA Constituency Head, Gunya
29 Aug 2022 in News

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The Taiwanese Government, through its Taipei Liaison Office in Cape Town, donated over R200 000 towards buying school shoes, soccer boots and soccer balls for six primary schools in Nyanga and Gugulethu.

Today, DA Leader of the Opposition, John Steenhuisen, and DA Constituency Head in Gunya, Siviwe Gwarube, handed over this generous donation to representatives of these schools at a gathering at St Mary’s Primary School in Nyanga.

These areas are crime and gangsterism hotspots, and while much has been done to bring the levels of crime down, it is still important to encourage learners to remain in school and take part in team sport activities.

As a caring party, the DA welcomes this donation as it also contributes to the violence prevention efforts of the City of Cape Town and the Western Cape Government.