Please find attached English and Afrikaans soundbites by Cilliers Brink MP
Yesterday the DA retained Ward 21 in the Northern Cape Sol Plaatje municipality with an increased majority in an important by election. It was very clear that voters chose to unite behind the DA once again.
The DA clinched the ward, having increased our percentage of the vote from 51,14% in the 2021 Local Government Elections to 58,87% in yesterdays’ poll. The DA will ramp up our efforts as the opposition, to tackle poor service delivery by the ANC in Ward 21.
Simoné Greeff, takes up the position of Ward 21 councillor.
This result shows that voter confidence in the ability of the DA to get things done continues to increase in towns and cities across the country. It is the DA’ track record of honest, transparent and people centred governance that s is that South Africans want where-ever they reside.
The DA is the only party with the support of a broad cross-section of South Africans, and a track record of getting things done in government.
This crucial victory not only consolidates the DA’s position in the Sol Plaatje municipality but gives a boost to our momentum in the 2024 general election.