The DA welcomes the finalised report submitted to the Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority (PPRA) Board by forensic investigators.
For years, the DA has been calling for a full and independent investigation into the conduct of now suspended PPRA CEO, Mamodupi Mohlala.
Finally, in late 2021, after a detailed whistle-blower report was submitted to the Public Service Commission, Human Settlements Minister, Hon. M Kubayi authorised a forensic investigation into affairs at the Entity,
The finalised forensic investigation report was released this week.
Details contained in this report are staggering.
- R378 000 was spent on catering services for 30 people over two days, amounting to a staggering R126 000 per person;
- The Chief Risk Officer allegedly faked approval from National Treasury for an unsolicited bid that resulted in R1 million being paid for an IT service that was ultimately of no value to the entity;
- Delivery notes cannot be located for R902 520 worth of study guides paid for by the Entity;
- A number of staff appointed and later assigned to strategic positions appear to have fake qualifications.
Additional findings include:
- Significant deviations from treasury recommendations such as Supply Chain Management allegedly reporting into the CEO’s office instead of that of the CFO;
- Multiple payments appeared to be urgent where requests were made to make payment in less than 30-days;
- A pattern of appointments of suppliers who don’t appear competent;
- Irregular appointments of service providers;
- Rulings made by the Pension Fund Adjudicator in respect of the pension fund contributions that were not being deducted from employees’ salaries;
- Court cases adverse findings adversely made against the PPRA such as the Rebosa matter; and
- Numerous cyber-security breaches have occurred at the entity during the course of the investigation.
Details contained in this report now fully substantiate the DA’s on-going calls for investigation into Mohlala’s conduct, and warrant an urgent referral to law enforcement agencies.
We thank the new Board for their decisive action upon the assumption of office, and call on the Acting CEO to ensure that necessary criminal investigations are initiated with speed.