Please find attached soundclip by Noko Masipa MP
The Democratic Alliance welcomes the lifting of the ban on the movement of cattle. However, this is not good enough.
The department has failed the farmers. The foot and mouth disease (FMD) is a controlled disease. This implies that the Minister and her department should not come into action mode only when there is an outbreak. It is important that the government do proper planning and budgeting for biosecurity and surveillance to control the spread of the disease. In doing so, the department is able to monitor and ensure that all farmers adhere to the rules and regulations relating to the movement of animals between the FDM free zones and FMD areas. The reality is that this did not happen, hence the country is facing challenges with regard to FMD.
The DA remains concerned that there is still a high number of stolen livestock across the country in some of the affected areas. The mapping and maintenance of the district management areas (DMA) in the 3 provinces that include Limpopo, KwaZulu Natal and Free State is also welcome. However, it is important that the communication in this regard reaches the most rural parts of these affected provinces. The DA calls for visible policing and the visibility of officials from the department of agriculture, land reform and rural development on the ground to ensure that movement of animals out of the DMA is done with the necessary permits.
We are, therefore, calling on the minister to make sure that the DMA is communicated to the farmers and ensure that the map is shared freely and made available to the police, the various agriculture offices, relevant municipalities, and the traditional leaders.
Lastly, the Democratic Alliance calls on leaders of the farming sector and community leaders to call all their members to respect the biosecurity measures to ensure the eradication of the spread of the foot and mouth disease.