FMD: Police and DARLD are failing farmers

Issued by Noko Masipa MP – DA Shadow Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development
02 Sep 2022 in News

The video circulating on social media of sheep being impounded from a taxi after allegedly being stolen reaffirms that the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development and the Police are failing to protect farmers from thieves and crime.

Recently, Minister Thoko Didiza imposed restrictions on the movement of cattle to stop the spread of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD).

The opposite has happened with the recent report by the department showing that FMD has increased from 116 to 127 outbreaks in 6 of the 9 provinces.

FMD is a contagious disease that affects cattle, swine, sheep, goats, deer and other cloven-hoofed ruminants. The causes of transmission include direct contact between infected and susceptible animals and contaminated objects and feed containing products derived from infected animals.

The DA is concerned that we continue to receive reports of stolen animals from areas that are infected by FMD. Police are not being deployed to conduct roadblocks, stops and searches to ensure that no movement of animals takes place.

The DA reiterates its call for Minister Thoko Didiza to urgently convene a multiparty forum to discuss the interventions and our concerns about the continued spread of FMD. It cannot be business as usual. There is still a lack of police presence on the ground to monitor the movements of animals. The uncoordinated efforts by the Ministry of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development have led to increasing outbreaks of FMD.