DA Debate Speeches: Thursday 16 March 2023

Issued by DA Media –
16 Mar 2023 in Speeches

Please find attached the DA debate speeches delivered during the three mini-plenaries in the National Assembly this afternoon:

Plenary 1: Establishment of ad hoc committee on alleged corruption at Eskom

Ashor Sarupen MPThe ANC has no interest in holding Eskom criminals to account

DA Shadow Deputy Minister of Finance

067 729 2412


Ghaleb Cachalia MPThe only way to fix Eskom is to eradicate criminality at the utility

DA Shadow Minister of Public Enterprises

083 675 2563


Plenary 2: Examining the fiscal framework of local government against Constitutional Mandate

Wendy Alexander MPClean audits are a cornerstone in municipal service delivery

DA Additional Member on the Standing Committee of Finance

083 524 7658


Eleanore Bouw Spies MP-Municipalities are the most important sphere of government closest to the


DA Shadow Deputy Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

076 519 4485


Plenary 1: Electricity Crisis: What is to be done?

Kevin Mileham MPElectricity crisis another failure of the ANC-government

DA Shadow Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

083 463 8858


Traverse Le Goff MPThe Electricity Crisis in South Africa – What is to be done?

DA Additional Member on the Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources and Energy

079 605 5363