NPA’s ability to prosecute State Capture in serious doubt

Issued by Adv Glynnis Breytenbach MP – DA Shadow Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development
22 Apr 2023 in News

Note to editors: Please find attached soundbite by Adv Glynnis Breytenbach MP.

The inability of the State to successfully prosecute those responsible for State Capture is increasingly clear, as the NPA’s first state capture trial has ended in dismal failure. The hollowing out of the NPA during the Zuma years is now on full display as the hopelessly inept handling of the Nulane case has revealed. Results from Adv. Batohi’s assurances that the NPA is being recapacitated are unfortunately yet to be seen.

It was the State’s case that Nulane, was appointed by the Free State Department of Agriculture to conduct a fraudulent R24.9 million feasibility study for the Mohoma Mobung initiative, championed by former Free State Premier Ace Magashule.

Nulane subsequently subcontracted the study to Deloitte at a cost of R1.5 million and altered the findings of the produced report to identify Paras– a firm with alleged tied to the Guptas – as the most suitable implementing partner for the Vrede Dairy Project.

The State intended to argue that this chain of events laid the groundwork for the looting of R288 million project.

The failure of the case is ultimately based on the poor handling of crucial documentary evidence being declared inadmissible – with the court describing these events as a “comedy of errors”. The state resultantly failed to lead any evidence that proved their case.

Despite endless assurances from the State that those accountable for state capture will be held accountable, recent developments have cast a long shadow of doubt on these promises.

The failure of the state to extradite the Gupta masterminds behind state capture, and the staggering failure of the Nulane case now unfortunately cast serious doubt on the capacity of the NPA to deliver on its promises.

South Africans are thoroughly sick and tired of obvious criminality carrying no consequences.