Yet another dodgy ship: What is the Yuan Wang 5 doing in the Cape Town harbour?

Issued by Kobus Marais MP – DA Shadow Minister of Defence and Military Veterans
22 May 2023 in News

Note to editors: Please find attached Afrikaans and English soundbite by Kobus Marais MP.

The recent presence of the Yuan Wang 5, a Chinese surveillance ship in South African waters has raised concerns among the public and requires a prompt response from the government.

The ship’s ability to track rocket and spacecraft launches, coupled with its advanced technology for information collection, warrants further explanation. It is essential for the government to issue a comprehensive statement regarding the ship’s activities and intentions along the South African coast.

It is worrying that first Russia gets unhindered access to our ports – and now a Chinese spy ship. What are they doing in our waters? The unexplained presence of these ships contradicts the South African government’s claim of non-alignment and puts our investments and trade with the West at risk. It also raises questions about our sovereign integrity.

In the past, requests for information regarding similar incidents involving Russian ships and aircraft have been met with limited transparency from the government. It is imperative that this pattern does not repeat itself, as it undermines public trust and raises questions about the integrity of our country.

Given the geopolitical context, where South Africa recently conducted naval exercises with both China and Russia, it is crucial to address the concerns surrounding the presence of the Chinese surveillance ship. The government should provide clear details about the purpose of the ship’s docking in Cape Town and Durban, and whether there are additional motives beyond refuelling.

The DA urges the Minister of Defence, Thandi Modise, to take immediate action in addressing these concerns and providing the public with accurate and comprehensive information. The minister must tell us how we are benefiting from the ship’s presence given our inability to have navy and surveillance vessels available to monitor the Yuan Wang 5 and other similar presence of other nations along our coastline. It is essential that the government upholds transparency and accountability to ensure the security and integrity of our nation.