Note to editors: Please find attached soundbite by Tsepo Mhlongo MP.
The DA strongly condemns the alarming incident at the Harry Gwala Stadium yesterday where supporters invaded the pitch and fired guns.
Guns have no place in sports stadiums or any public gathering. Stadiums should be safe spaces for unity, enjoyment, and healthy competition among sports enthusiasts.
We urge the relevant authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the incident and hold those responsible for the violence and use of firearms accountable for their actions. It is imperative that strict security measures be implemented to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future, ensuring the safety of all attendees.
We call upon the South African Football Association (SAFA), stadium management, and law enforcement agencies to collaborate in enhancing security protocols at sporting events, emphasizing strict checks and confiscation of weapons, including firearms, before entering stadiums.
The DA is committed to fostering a safe and inclusive environment for all citizens.
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