Bingo joins Ocean View kids clean-up for Mandela Day

19 Jul 2023 in Where We Govern

Staff at the Ocean View library organised a clean-up with the children in the area as part of Mandela Day celebrations on 18 July. The event was supported by the City’s waste mascot, Bingo. Read more below:

A group of young children from Radiance Educare, an early childhood development centre in Ocean View, spent their Mandela Day inspiring others from their community to keep the area clean by participating in a clean-up event organised by staff at the Ocean View Library and the ECD principal, Isabel Petersen.

It is hoped that this effort from the youngest and most vulnerable in the community can help mobilise others against the problem of dumping. Too often people turn a blind eye against dumping by their peers, forgetting that dumping has victims, including children.

‘It is well known that Madiba had a very soft spot in his heart for children and saw them as the greatest asset to our country. If the adults in communities choose to litter and dump, it creates a negative environment, where it will be more difficult for children to reach the amazing potential that resides within them.

‘I am personally very inspired by the efforts of these children today to change their world for the better, and hope that all adults in the community can support these children in their efforts to change the world by helping to keep their community clean and healthy,’ said Mayoral Committee Member for Urban Waste Management, Alderman Grant Twigg.


Report illegal dumping:


  • The City has a 24-hour toll-free number (0800 110077) to report tip-offs about illegal dumping activity. Those convicted of illegal dumping could be fined up to R5 000, have their vehicle impounded, or face a two-year prison sentence.


In addition, for every report that leads to a fine and conviction, the City is offering a reward from R1 000 up to R5 000, depending on the offence.


  • Please call 0860 103 089 to notify the City about dumping that needs to be cleared.


City support for community clean-ups

The City can provide support to community-led clean-up events in the form of refuse bags and removal of bagged waste to landfill. If you are interested in this support, please consult the relevant guidelines and disclaimers, and then fill out the application form.

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