The City of Cape Town, led by Acting Mayor, Alderman Eddie Andrews, commemorated Nelson Mandela Day by dedicating 67 minutes to cleaning streets in South Africa’s oldest township, Langa, and planting a pomegranate tree at the Ikhaya leLanga centre. Read more below:

‘We are celebrating Mandela Day out in Langa, where we have partnered with the Ikhaya leLanga organisation. Our focus today is on cleaning, planting, feeding and of course sustaining,’
said the City’s Acting Mayor and Mayoral Committee Member for Spatial Planning and Environment, Alderman Eddie Andrews.
This year, City officials came to Ikhaya leLanga armed with gloves, black refuse bags and brooms which were donated to the Sustainable Smart Street programme Langa ambassadors who clean the streets of Langa on a daily basis to keep the township ‘Clean, Green and Safe’. Sustainable Smart Streets is a programme and is supported by the City’s Smart Living campaign.
Ikhaya leLanga, which is isiXhosa for ‘Home of the Sun’, is a non-profit organisation which operates from an old primary school located on the corner of Ndabeni and Rubusana streets in Langa. The organisation is an innovative model that serves as a business incubator, tourism hub, gallery, provides various educational workshops, training and much more.
The theme for this year’s Nelson Mandela Day is ‘Clean, Plant, Feed and Sustain’, the City planted a pomegranate tree (more to follow soon) donated by the City’s Newlands Nursery and cleaned various streets in Langa.
‘Earlier today we planted a tree and spent 67 minutes sweeping some streets in Langa. We are doing our bit on Mandela Day and we ask that you do likewise, wherever you might find yourself, not just on this day but always be mindful of paying it forward as well,’
added Andrews.
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