DA assists Sikhosana family in laying HRC complaint 

Issued by Michele Clarke MP – DA Shadow Minister of Health
12 Jul 2023 in News
  • The DA visited the family of diseased Thembeka Sikhosana, abandoned by paramedics, who arrived late and refused to assist her.
  • If  Thembeka was assisted by paramedics in a timeous and dignified manner, she might still be alive.
  • The DA assisted Thembeka’s sister, Mbalenhle Sikhosana, to lodge complaints at the South African Human Rights Commission and the Health Ombud.

Today, the DA visited the Sikhosana family at their home in Umlazi (see photos here and here) where they recounted Thembeka Sikhosana’s tragic story, which has been widely reported on by the media.

Her family called an ambulance when Thembeka, who had a congenital heart condition and was the family’s sole breadwinner, struggled to breathe. When the ambulance arrived after an hour, the two paramedics berated her family, refused to assist Thembeka, and drove off as her family and neighbours were struggling to carry her to the ambulance.

More than a week later, Thembeka died in the Prince Mshiyeni Hospital, where her family were reportedly held responsible for feeding her.

Had Thembeka been assisted in a timely manner by qualified paramedics and treated in a dignified and caring manner in hospital, she might very well still have been alive. This is why the DA assisted Thembeka’s sister, Mbalenhle Sikhosana, to lodge complaints at the South African Human Rights Commission and the Health Ombud (See photos here, here and here). It needs to be determined whether this horrific incident was a once-off violation or form part of a bigger pattern of negligence in the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health. We will also request that the tracking data for the ambulance on the day in question be made available.

Sikhosana’s death was a gross violation of her human and Constitutional rights and an indictment on the ANC government that clearly does not care about of poor and vulnerable South Africans. If government cared about the health of the country, if would fix the myriad of systemic problems plaguing the public health sector, instead of steamrolling through the destructive National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill.