The last-ditch attempts by GOOD to derail the George by-elections to avoid defeat, have been exposed as lies born of desperation. After lodging a series of failed objections to the IEC over the past few days, the party has called for a postponement of the by-election.
The DA rejects this call as we have rejected all the supposed objections against the voter roll and now, at the eleventh hour, unsubstantiated claims of election fraud by the secretary general of GOOD Brett Herron.
He alleges that the DA registered people living outside the ward where the by-election is to be held.
What is perhaps most disturbing is that, as laid out in the DA’s answering affidavit, it was canvassers who left GOOD to join the DA and then returned to GOOD following the alleged irregular canvassing that are at the heart of the fraud that GOOD itself is alleging!
GOOD also alleges that 188 voters live at one residence and invoke this as a reason for postponing the ballot. However, according to the 2021 voters roll, there were more than 188 persons residing at that address. Good, which won the Ward in those elections, did not complain at the time about these voters. In the months since the government election, Good has never taken issue with these voters, except now—the day before the by-elections.
The DA has committed no fraud, nor has it misled either the IEC or the voters of George. The same cannot however be said for GOODs dishonest attempts to derail by elections it fears losing, even with the support of the other ANC proxy, the Patriotic Alliance.