Wheels come off Cele’s SAPS – up to 26% of SAPS vehicles inoperable leaving victims of crime stranded

Issued by Andrew Whitfield MP – DA Shadow Minister of Police
03 Jul 2023 in News

Note to editors: Please find attached soundbite by Andrew Whitfield MP.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) can today reveal that up to 26% of visible policing and 23% of detective’s vehicles in certain provinces are broken and inoperable leaving victims of crime stranded and vulnerable.

These distressing statistics echo the desperate cries from communities across South Africa who say that they never see a South African Police Service (SAPS) vehicle. South Africans have complained to the DA that response times from SAPS are unacceptably slow and that in many cases SAPS never arrives – this is compounded by the unacceptable state of our 10111 call centres which the DA exposed in January this year.

In response to the DA’s Parliamentary Question, the Minister laid bare the critical failure of SAPS to maintain and repair their fleet to ensure responsive policing to communities riddled with crime.

Percentage of vehicles that are broken/inoperable
Province Visible Policing Detectives
Eastern Cape 26.5% 19.6%
Free State 18.7% 14.4%
Gauteng 22.0% 14.1%
KZN 26.8% 19.5%
Limpopo 19.0% 15.6%
Mpumalanga 14.6% 11.1%
North West 13.6% 12.4%
Northern Cape 26.2% 23.5%
Western Cape 17.2% 12.7%
National Average 21.1% 15.9%

Visible policing plays a crucial role in deterring and preventing crime. When SAPS is visible, criminals are less likely to engage in unlawful activities. Additionally, detectives, who are instrumental in solving violent crimes should not have to worry about a shortage of vehicles in order to reach crime scenes for investigations. With such a large number of vehicles out of commission it is unsurprising that crime rates are so alarmingly high.

How much longer must South Africa endure Bheki Cele’s continual failures on every measurable metric? What more must occur before President Ramaphosa takes action and removes him from office? Unfortunately, the President’s reluctance to make tough decisions suggests that South Africa will remain burdened with Bheki Cele, resulting in a continued surge in violent crime.

However, South Africans can take matters into their own hands by registering to vote in the upcoming 2024 election. To ensure eligibility, please check your voter status at www.check.da.org.za. Together, we can unite and remove Ramaphosa and Cele, reclaiming control over the destiny of our nation.

Be part of the mission to rescue South Africa, get help registering to vote at check.da.org.za