DASO notes with great disappointment and disdain the racist and violent actions of the Economic Freedom Fighters Student Command (EFFSC) and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) at the University of Pretoria.
In light of the rightful disqualification of their SRC candidates, the EFFSC illegally protested around the Hatfield campus of the University of Pretoria alongside the EFF.
While protesting, actions of violence, racism, and vandalism took place. Refuse was publicly incinerated while Herold Street and Duxbury Road were forcibly closed by the EFF and EFFSC using bricks.
Most appallingly, the EFF’s Regional Chairperson, Obakeng Ramabodu, told students that “only black students” can enter the campus. There is also video evidence of students being harassed and threatened on the basis of their skin colour.
DASO calls for urgent action by law enforcement authorities. We will also report any instances of racism and race related violence to the SAHRC and the University Management.
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