Report lays bare ANC failures over NDP

Issued by Zak Mbhele MP – DA Shadow Minister in the Presidency
27 Sep 2023 in News

Please find attached a soundbite by Zak Mbhele MP.

Thanks to corruption, state capture, cadre deployment and anti-growth policies, South Africa is now in a far worse position than it was 10 years ago when the National Development Plan (NDP) was launched. This is the record that the ANC is desperately trying to cover up and ‘manage’ by putting a spin on the grim numbers contained in the NPC report.

According to the NPC review report, the implementation of the NDP by the ANC government has been a resounding failure on every economic metric. Instead of facing up to its own failures, the ANC has chosen to censor the NPC and go into the 2024 national elections on a platform of lies about its record in government.

According to the NPC, South Africa is on course to miss the 2030 NDP development targets after failing to meet some key milestones which include:

  • Current (expanded) unemployment rate, 42.1% – Not only has the ANC government failed to meet the 14% unemployment target by 2020, as set in the NDP, it is on course to miss the 6% unemployment target by 2030.
  • Current GDP growth 1.1% – With GDP growth averaging 1%, the ANC government is on course to miss the 5.4% target by 2030 listed in the NDP.
  • More people out of jobs – The NDP had set a target to have 24 million in employment by 2030 but with only a fraction of that currently in employment, the ANC is on course to miss the target.

In concurrence with the DA warnings over the years, the NPC was scathing in its assessment pointing out that a ‘deteriorating state and inappropriate policy management’ were behind the persistent problems of inequality, unrelenting poverty and rising unemployment. In essence, the ANC government has presided over the impoverishment of South Africans at a scale and rate that is unimaginable.

It is unfortunate that South Africans have had to bear the brunt of the ANC government’s failure through a high cost of living, collapsing public services and dysfunction in every sector of the economy. South Africa simply cannot afford 5 more years of ANC cluelessness and corruption. The 2024 elections present a perfect opportunity to vote for a DA government that will prioritise growing the economy and creating jobs for South Africans.

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