The ANC misuses SASSA for political gain

Issued by Bridget Masango MP – DA Shadow Minister of Social Development
20 Nov 2023 in News

Please find attached a soundbite by Bridget Masango MP.

The DA vehemently condemns the recent actions of the ANC in using the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) as a political tool to promote their agenda. SASSA, as an organ of the State, is mandated to provide social security and related services to eligible individuals in South Africa. It is not an ANC project, and we emphasise that it should never be exploited for partisan gain.

This weekend, the ANC shamelessly released a graphic featuring a SASSA card with the caption, “The future is protecting the most vulnerable in society,” clearly attempting to associate the ANC with the vital social security services provided by SASSA. This misuse of state resources for political purposes is unacceptable and demonstrates the ANC’s desperation to cling to power at any cost.

This incident follows closely on the heels of another egregious misuse, where the image of Deputy Chief Justice Mandisa Maya was improperly used in a poster encouraging South Africans to register to vote for the ANC. While the ANC has issued an apology for this inappropriate use of the Deputy Chief Justice’s image, it is evident that such actions reflect a pattern of disregard for the principles of ethical and responsible political conduct.

The DA firmly asserts that SASSA is not an ANC project, and we reject the ANC’s attempts to falsely claim credit for the agency’s crucial work. When the DA takes over, we commit to never exploiting state resources and projects to promote our party. We believe in upholding democratic values and using state institutions for political gain is not only unethical but also undermines the integrity of our democracy.

The ANC’s repeated attempts to co-opt state entities for political campaigning reveal a deep-seated desperation within the party. We call on the ANC to desist from such tactics and to engage in fair and transparent political competition. The people of South Africa deserve better than a government that seeks to manipulate public institutions for its own benefit.

In conclusion, the DA stands firm in its commitment to ethical, honest, and appropriate political conduct. We urge all political parties to respect the independence of state institutions and refrain from exploiting them for partisan purposes. The democratic principles that underpin our nation must be upheld, and we will continue to hold those who violate these principles accountable for their actions.