ANC rejects opportunity to address gender pay gap in the workplace

Issued by Dean Macpherson MP – DA Shadow Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition
15 Nov 2023 in News

The ANC today rejected an amendment to the Companies Act aimed at addressing gender pay disparity in the workplace. The proposed amendment sought to make it a legal requirement for companies to disclose the pay gap between men and women.

The ANC’s argument that this crucial amendment can be addressed in the 7th Parliament is a disheartening affront to the countless women in South Africa tirelessly advocating for equal pay in the corporate sector and boardrooms.

It has become regrettably routine for the ANC to discuss gender pay disparity without taking substantive action. Despite having a significant opportunity today, they chose to defer progress, seemingly prioritising the passage of legislation before the 2024 election over addressing pressing societal issues.

Whether dealing with gender-based violence, pay in sports, or corporate sector remuneration, the ANC consistently demonstrates a lack of regard for women in society.

The DA urgently calls on the ANC in Parliament to reconsider its decision and prioritise women’s pay by placing it at the forefront of the Companies Amendment Bill.

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