Time for intervention is now! Crisis persists at Gold One Mine in Springs

Issued by Ashor Sarupen MP – DA Member of Parliament for Springs, Brakpan and Nigel
14 Nov 2023 in News

Please find attached a soundbite by Ashor Sarupen MP.

The DA urges a swift resolution amid escalating tensions at Gold One Modder East Mine between warring unions AMCU and NUM.

These escalating tensions at Gold One Modder East mine, previously the site of a hostage crisis, are becoming deeply alarming as reports emerge of police using rubber bullets to disperse workers engaged in unprotected strike action, allegedly in violation of a court order.

The complete absence of the state in this sustained breakdown in law and order over a union dispute shows how dangerously incapacitated the state has itself become. I urge all parties involved to prioritise dialogue and find a swift resolution to the ongoing labor dispute.

The recent incident involving the torching of a vehicle allegedly belonging to a National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) member is alarming and further shows that the situation is fast becoming lawless. The DA condemns any form of violence or intimidation and calls for law enforcement to hold perpetrators of violence to account.

Residents from the community have now called for a meeting with mine management, the Department of Mineral Resources, labor representatives, and rival unions as state failure persists.

I implore the government to get its act together before this situation escalates into a tragedy

As the situation unfolds, as the DA MP allocated to this area, I will continue to liaise with residents affected by this crisis.

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