DA welcomes steps to move underwater military explosions away from African penguin sanctuary

Issued by Dave Bryant MP – DA Shadow Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment
06 Feb 2024 in News

We welcome the response by Ministers Barbara Creecy and Thandi Modise to the calls made by the Democratic Alliance and various environmental groups, to move the controversial underwater military explosions away from the Boulders Beach African Penguin sanctuary to a more sensible location. It is important to recognise the massive efforts of local activists and community members who have worked so hard to raise the profile of this matter.

The African Penguin is yet another example of a species that has faced increasing threats due to poor management of natural ecosystems over many years of ANC rule, particularly in the Eastern Cape.

The DA will not allow the iconic African Penguin to join the ranks of the dodo and other extinct African animals as a result of ANC negligence. We will continue to fight to ensure that our environmental resources and heritage are protected at all costs.

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