All systems go for DA ‘We Can Rescue SA’ Closing Rally

Issued by DA Media –
25 May 2024 in News

All systems are in place for tomorrow, Sunday 26 May, when the DA will hold its ‘We Can Rescue SA’ closing rally in Benoni.

DA Leader, John Steenhuisen, will deliver his call to action ahead of the elections next week.

South African music sensations Big Zulu, The Parlotones, Lloyd Cele, Oscar Mbo, Sunset Sweatshop and Ricus Nel will perform at the rally.

The rally will bring thousands of DA supporters from across the province who will also hear from DA Provincial Leader, Solly Msimanga, and DA Chief Whip, Siviwe Gwarube.


Gates open at 10am


Willowmoore Stadium, Harpur Avenue, Benoni

Media Parking

Media attending the rally, must park in the designated “Media Parking” area in Harpur Avenue.

Accreditation collection

Media who have not yet collected their accreditation, can do so throughout the day at the accreditation table in front of the media centre.

On-stage photography

Photographers who wish to take photos on-stage at specific times, must please contact Dominique Jeftha on 066 216 6400.

Audio and audiovisual feeds

Broadcasters who require an audio or audiovisual feed, must please contact Franco van der Berg on 076 882 4413.