DA extends condolences to Justice Ackermann

Issued by Adv Glynnis Breytenbach MP – DA Shadow Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development
27 May 2024 in News

The Democratic Alliance extends its heartfelt condolences to the family and loved ones of Justice Laurie Ackermann. His passing is a loss for South Africa, as he leaves behind a legacy of legal wisdom and important contributions to South Africa’s legal landscape.

Justice Ackermann was appointed to the first bench of the Constitutional Court of South Africa in 1994. As one of the first members of the bench of the Constitutional Court, he was pivotal in the development of South Africa’s early Constitutional Law jurisprudence.

He penned many foundational cases such as the National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality and Carmichele ensuring the protection of our Constitution and particularly our Bill of Rights. Cases whose relevance continues today.

Following his time on the bench, Justice Ackermann went on to found the South African Institute for Advanced Constitutional, Public, Human Rights of International Law. An institution which has made substantial impacts on legal academia.

We mourn the loss of Justice Ackermann and join the countless others in celebrating his remarkable legacy and contribution to South Africa. He will be profoundly missed.