SA Youth: The future is ours to build

Issued by Nicholas Nyati – DA Youth Interim Federal Leader
18 Jun 2024 in News

For 30 years, South Africa has been looking to its youth to plot a course for the country that would help heal the wounds and divisions of the past and usher in a generation of citizens that would truly give voice to the saying “The youth are our future”.

But the so-called born-frees grew up in a society that did not realize the dreams and aspirations of the youth. A failing education system, unemployment, the cost of living, and an unsafe environment left them disillusioned and disenchanted with the political landscape that promised much and delivered little.

The events of the past two weeks have rekindled that hope and given the youth a chance to build a better tomorrow for themselves and the generations to follow.

The voters have had their say, and they have placed their faith in South Africans of all ages, backgrounds, cultures, and political beliefs.

Whether we call it a GNU or something else, it represents a coming together of people committed to creating a better future and an environment where youth can thrive, stand up, and take their rightful place in addressing long-standing issues.

Across our country, from villages to cities, we as the youth must make our voices heard. We must assist our leaders in community groups, councils, legislatures, and parliament to choose the right path. We must be ready to take up the mantle and foster an environment that creates jobs, stimulates growth, and restores dignity to our people.

The youth are our future, but only if we embrace this collective effort to bring about a better tomorrow. We must strive to be the next generation of leaders who seize this historic opportunity to foster unity rather than division, development rather than destruction, and dignity rather than despair.

It is in our hands to look to the future as ours to build for each and every South African.