Three more DA members elected as Chairs of Portfolio Committees in Parliament

Issued by George Michalakis MP – Chief Whip of the Democratic Alliance
10 Jul 2024 in News

The DA welcomes the election of three more of our Members of Parliament as Chairs of Portfolio Committees.

We are confident that their expertise and dedication will contribute significantly to the oversight and legislative functions of Parliament.

The elected representatives are:

Committee Chairperson of Police

Ian Cameron

Committee Chairperson of Sports, Arts and Culture

Joe McGluwa

Committee Chairperson of Social Development

Bridget Masango

The DA will thus chair 5 Portfolio Committees in the National Assembly with Leon Basson elected the Chair of the Water and Sanitation Committee and Jan de Villiers the Chair of Public Administration yesterday.

Our representatives will uphold the highest standards of accountability, transparency, and service to the people of South Africa.

We wish our members well in their work to come.