Local Government Elections Manifesto 2016

Our Vision for Local Government

South Africa has made significant progress in many ways since 1994. But, our country is now at a crucial crossroads.

Constitutional and democratic institutions are under threat, as highlighted by the Constitutional Court’s Nkandla ruling. More than 8.2 million South Africans do not have a job, inflation is putting the most basic goods out of the reach of the majority of South Africans, the economy is suffering and we face a credit rating downgrade.

Corruption and empty promises are holding us back. This makes the 2016 Local Government Election the most crucial election since 1994.

The DA has a plan to bring the CHANGE we need to move South Africa forward again. Click here to read our full 2016 Local Government Election Manifesto and see what a DA government could do for you. Our Audio manifesto is available here and the Braille manifesto is available from a number of NGOs across the country, see list here.

Watch the DA manifesto launch video below.

Our promise and offer is simple. Where we govern, we want to build on the progress we have already made. Where we do not govern yet, we want to bring the change to your city or town that will:


We will do this by focusing on six key areas:


The ability to work is key to personal dignity.The DA is committed to creating opportunities, like jobs, so that people can improve their lives and provide for their families. To do this we will create a supportive environment where businesses want to invest, grow, and hire more people.



A good government is one that is responsive to the needs and concerns of the people it serves. In a DA government, when you speak, we listen. We work with the community to find solutions to the challenges we face and create opportunities.



DA local governments lead the way in providing quality services to all their residents. We manage government spending well, find innovative solutions to the challenges we face, and make sure that resources go to those that need them most.


We are committed to transparent and accountable governance. DA local governments manage public money sensibly and strive to rid the cities and towns we govern of fraud. We have zero tolerance for corruption.

We are committed to creating communities where our diversity is embraced and celebrated. DA local governments provide residents with safe, reliable and affordable public transport systems so that everyone can benefit from the city and interact in public spaces that reflect our rich heritage.


Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of residents gives meaning to freedom. South Africans need to feel safe and be safe in the cities and towns they call home. To do this, we collaborate and innovate to make crime-ridden and deprived communities safer.