City of Tshwane

Executive Mayor Cilliers Brink represents the DA in the multi-party coalition-led City of Tshwane. Tshwane is the administrative capital of South Africa.

Our vision for Tshwane

Quality Basic Services

To provide better and better basic services and infrastructure.

Economic Growth

To facilitate higher and shared economic growth and development.

Sustainable Communities

To fight poverty and build clean, healthy, safe and sustainable communities.

People First

To foster participatory democracy and Batho Pele principles through a caring, accessible and accountable service.

Governance & Transformation

To ensure good governance, financial viability and optimal institutional transformation with the capacity to execute its mandate.

Where we Govern

City of Tshwane Success Stories

The Mayor’s new policy says that residents can now sell excess power to the City – a big step in real, green power development.

Mayor Msimanga has unveiled new emergency vehicles to respond quicker to incidents – 18RIVs, 33 ambulances and 1 maxi-lance.

R20 million more

is being freed up to build community halls in Hammanskraal, Winterveld and Mabopane.

Mayoral mansion sold to fund RDP housing

First ever

recycling park of its kind, in the City of Tshwane, is in Atteridgeville. It provides a sustainable alternative to landfills.

R2 billion tender

to upgrade neglected infrastructure and ensure reliable everyday water access.

New Anti-Drug Unit

Over 60 000 jobs created

already created through the Expanded Public Works Programme, bringing the City ever closer to its target of 23 000 by the end of the financial year.

New #Monyetla2021 youth training programme

Accurate and up-to-date meter readings and billing with new “Click Soft” system

Women’s Market launched in celebration of the role women play in society and to empower women traders during Women’s Month.

New Batho Pele and Tshwane Safety apps

1 051 TshWi-Fi hotspots

Over R6 billion in investment

Unqualified audit report

Hard-won favourable credit rating

Improved liquidity levels

Three business incubation programmes

Seven business support centres

EPWP jobs now awarded with open lotto system


24-month social packages for those in need

18 071 beneficiaries have received food parcels to date

56 NGOs and NPOs have received social assistance to date

16 756 homes connected to water in 17/18 and counting

12 303 homes were electrified in 17/18 and counting

6 977 homes were fully sanitised in 17/18 and counting

211 kms of storm water drainage being built

183 kms of road being built

New Ekasi Ride container for bike maintenance materials

New waste-water-to-energy-generation programme

R18,6 million going towards more CCTVs in 2019

A whistle-blower hotline has been established

New fraud prevention and detection programmes

Meet the Mayor & Mayoral Commitee

Cilliers Brink

Executive Mayor

Cilliers Brink is currently the executive mayor of the City of Tshwane, the capital of South Africa.

Themba Fosi

Utilities and Regional Operations

Ofentse Nathaniel Madzebatela

Economic Development & Spatial Planning / IDP

Katlego Mathebe

Agriculture & Environment

Peter Sutton
