City bursaries paving the way to promising futures

27 May 2022 in Where We Govern

The City of Cape Town celebrated the awarding of financial support to 23 external aspiring graduates at the External Bursary Awards ceremony on Wednesday, 25 May 2022. Over 700 applications were received and after an intensive shortlisting and interview process, the City awarded financial support to the top 23 applicants.

‘Providing these ambitious recipients with financial support to pursue their studies gives me so much hope for their future. The City looks forward to seeing them graduate and pursuing the opportunities that will open up for them thereafter, knowing that we assisted them along the way.

‘Our bursary programme forms part of the City’s efforts to be a city of hope for all. We will continue to focus on creating more opportunities for the youth in Cape Town. Our youth is our hope and our future, developing their talents and full potential is pivotal for our collective wellbeing. A great deal of our focus over the next five years will be geared towards providing financial assistance to those who need it most,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Corporate Services, Alderman Theresa Uys.

In the coming months, another seven external bursaries will be awarded to aspiring graduates in the city. These bursaries have specifically been set aside for qualifications in the Water Services and the Urban Waste Management fields. The relevant City departments have identified a great need for skills in these sectors and will identify the best qualifications and candidates in due course.

The City awards bursaries to external applicants each year:

  • With the addition of the 30 new bursary recipients, the City now has a total of 114 external students receiving financial support
  • The City has also assigned a mentor to all of the proud recipients who will assist the students to successfully complete their studies and help overcome any challenges they may experience.

The 2022 external bursary recipients will be pursuing various qualifications including degrees in Accounting; Geoinformatics and Law; national and advanced diplomas in Civil Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Project Management; Architectural Technology; Construction Management and other diplomas in Environmental Management.

The City’s all-inclusive external financial support includes the following:

  • Tuition fees
  • Study material and book allowance
  • Meal Allowance
  • Travel allowance
  • Residence Fees (subject to student social environment and circumstances)

Bursaries were awarded to applicants from across Cape Town, this year’s group came from areas such as Gugulethu; Khayelitsha; Delft; Strandfontein; Ottery; Kraaifontein and Bellville, among others. Over the years, a number of students have been absorbed by the City and some have even secured permanent positions in various departments.

The City received 742 applications this year. After a comprehensive interview process, 23 successful applicants made it through to receiving financial support for their chosen qualification.

Interviews were conducted by a bursary committee who considered the financial need, previous academic record, overall knowledge and interest of the chosen field of study as well as the staffing strategies of the respective City departments.

Where possible, provision will be made, upon completion of their studies, for the students to be placed in a funded position at the City of Cape Town for a period equal to the duration of the financial support granted.

The City has a number of strategies and programmes to assist and provide opportunities to individuals who want to grow and create a better future for themselves. The programmes range from learnerships and apprenticeships to Graduate Internship Programmes, skills programmes and job shadowing opportunities.