City to immediately drop remaining Covid-19 restrictions at City facilities

23 Jun 2022 in Where We Govern

Executive Mayor, Geordin-Hill Lewis welcomes Health Minister Dr Joe Phaahla’s repeal of the remaining Covid restrictions. In Cape Town, we will immediately lift all remaining restriction measures at City facilities and buildings.

This includes capacity limitations at facilities, the compulsory wearing of face masks and compulsory hand sanitising at the entrances to facilities.

This means residents will once again to be able to fill our stadia, sports facilities, clinic waiting rooms, payment halls and so on.

The Covid-19 restrictions have not just been a minor inconvenience. Due to capacity limitations, for example, people have unfortunately at times had to queue for long periods of time outside in the hot sun, cold wind and rain at clinics, motor licensing facilities and walk-in centres. Our Safe Spaces for homeless residents have not been able to operate at full capacity. Our entertainment industry has suffered and many people have been unable to attend sports events because of restrictions on theatres and stadiums.

The decision to repeal the remaining regulations is long overdue.

We are optimistic about Cape Town’s future post-Covid-19, and look forward to the full resumption of business, tourist, and social activity in the city.