Yesterday, 2 June 2022, a collaborative Basket of Services with Customer Relations Management was deployed at the Delft Civic Centre to give residents an opportunity to interact with officials about their service enquiries.
The following City departments and external organisations offered services to residents:
- Water and Sanitation
- Electricity services
- Library and Information
- Independent Electoral Commission
- Social Development
- Revenue
- City Health Wellness
- Safety and Security
- Human Resources: Bursaries, Internships
- Customer Relations
- Traffic, Law Enforcement
- Eskom
- Smartcape
- Information Systems and Technology ( gaming etc.)
- Job Seeker application forms
‘It warmed my heart to see such a huge turnout. The people came in their numbers and were interacting with the officials, in their area, meaning they did not need to spend money on transport to get issues resolved. The turnout also confirmed that people value the services we offer and make us want to do more,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Corporate Services, Alderman Theresa Uys.