Ongoing skills training to boost public safety efforts

02 Jun 2022 in Where We Govern

The City’s Safety and Security Directorate has recorded nearly 13 000 training and development opportunities as part of its workplace skills and training programme for the current financial year.

‘Our Safety and Security Directorate is mammoth, and covers a host of roles and responsibilities in the enforcement, emergency services and administrative fields. Beyond ensuring that staff members have the relevant qualifications when they are recruited, we are also committed to ensuring ongoing training and development, to not only keep up to date with legislative and technological advancements, for example, but also to upskill staff members so that they may apply for promotions when those opportunities arise.

‘The fact that we’ve had nearly 13 000 training and development opportunities that have been embarked on or completed by staff in the first nine months of this financial year bears testament to our commitment to staff development, but also public safety, given the ever-changing landscape that we operate in,’ said Chairperson of the City’s Safety and Security Portfolio Committee, Councillor Mzwakhe Nqavashe.

Just over 90% of staff members who have participated in various skills development and training sessions are in the operational space, providing direct service delivery to residents.

Among the training interventions between 1 July 2021 and 31 March 2022 are:

  • 4 020 staff members who attended Specialist/Professional training including interventions such as tactical street survival, AARTO, By-Laws, Powers and Duties
  • 3 581 staff members attended Computer End User Skills training
  • 3 573 staff members attended Operator/Technical/Trade related training including firearm training and smart driver training
  • 333 staff attended General Administration and Client Services training, including contract management and training in the Personal Protection of Information (POPI) Act

‘What also works in our favour is that much of the training happens courtesy of the City’s Safety and Security Training College. The facility is fully accredited under the Local Government Sector Training Authority (2010) as well as the Safety and Security SETA since 2011. And, we are working hard to expand the college’s capacity to provide ongoing training and development, particularly to our enforcement service staff,’ added Councillor Nqavashe.

More information about the planned expansion of the Training College is available here: