The City of Cape Town’s Mayoral Committee Member for Human Settlements, Councillor Malusi Booi, and officials in the Human Settlements Directorate visited the R135 million Sheffield Road housing project in Philippi to check on progress being made on site. The joint City and Western Cape Government (WCG) housing project is expected to be completed in 2023.
The Sheffield Road housing project will provide 384 opportunities once it is completed. The installation of civil works is currently underway and is nearing completion. The construction of the State-subsidised homes will commence once the civil works have been completed.
‘We are pleased with the progress the teams and contractors are making on site and we look forward to seeing the construction commencing. This project will cost approximately R135 million and will provide much needed housing opportunities to the beneficiaries of Philippi and surrounding areas and the construction of the homes will be completed by the end of 2023, if all goes as planned.
‘This project is an example of the City’s commitment to providing affordable housing to beneficiaries in communities across the city. The City thanks all construction teams and contractors for the steady progress made thus far and we thank the community and all stakeholders for their ongoing support.
‘The City has various housing projects at different stages, be it in the planning phase or already under construction, in various areas in the metro. The bulk of these housing projects are being developed on well-located land close to public transport, jobs, government services and public amenities. Work continues and we encourage interested residents to visit their nearest housing office to find out more about the available opportunities, and how to apply.
‘We remind residents that beneficiaries of all City housing projects are selected in accordance with the City’s Housing Allocation Policy and the City’s Housing Needs Register to ensure that housing opportunities are made available in a fair and transparent manner that prevents queue jumping and to those who qualify for housing as per the South African legislation,’ said Councillor Booi.
Anonymous tip offs are welcome:
Residents can give anonymous tip offs if they are aware of illegal activity that is taking place; that has happened or is still to happen. Please call 112 from a cell phone (toll free) and 107 from a landline or 021 480 7700 for emergencies.