“Genuine concern for others is a lifestyle more than a technique” John Maxwell.
This underpin the life of the Executive Mayor, Alderman Harold Cleophas, not only as a citizen from Darling, where he was born and bred, but also as part of the Servant Leadership in Swartland, West Coast, Western Cape and South Africa.
Good governance never depends upon laws, but upon the personal qualities of those whogovern. His leadership qualities of being accountable, trustworthy, integrity, respect and empathy demonstrate in his leadership roles he was entrusted to fulfil as follow:
2006 – 2016: Swartland Municipality Ward 5 Councilor (which is part of Darling,
Yzerfontein and all the farms in between) and Mayoral Committee
Member as from 2009 – 2011
2016 – 2021: West Coast District Municipality Proportional Representative Councilor
2011 – 2021: West Coast District Executive Mayor for 2 terms.
2021 to date: Swartland Municipality Executive Mayor
It is important to note that under the leadership of Ald Cleophas as the West Coast District Municipality Executive Mayor, the municipality has achieved 10 consecutive clean audits (2011 – 2021).
The vision for Swartland Municipality under the leadership of Alderman Cleophas is forward-thinking 2040 derived from his vision for Swartland Municipality.