Mayor Rolf Christie joined the DA the night before the 2019 national election after realising that of all the political parties, the DA held the best hope for South Africa’s future. Christie was immediately elected as a DA branch secretary and was eventually promoted to be the DA’s election campaign manager for !Kheis for the 2021 local government election.
!Kheis is a !Khoi word that means “a place to live” or “home”. Mayor Christie believes that !Kheis has great potential, and it should be developed to fully live up to its !Khoi name.
Mayor Christie’s current priority is to start at the very beginning and return to the basics of municipal governance. He would like to see excellent service delivery to all communities and foster a culture of payment for municipal services.
Under his leadership !Kheis municipality will be open to all types of investment, specifically for off-grid solar energy. These projects will hopefully bring much needed job opportunities and development to the municipality.