Your DA candidate Rudi has been a proud resident of Roodewal for the past 15 years.
He started his career at Accelerated Christian College as the English Home Language Teacher for Grades 10 to 12, also functioning as the Head of Department.
He is currently the Co-owner and Operations Manager for Slightly Nutty. Through his business, he has created many job opportunities in the local community. He is also Chairperson of the local Dr C.F. Visser Primary School Governing Body.
He is married to Jo-Ann and has two children, Ryan and Benjamin.
“I want to make a significant difference in the lives of our residents and businesses. I want to assist with service delivery and uplift our suburbs to reach their full potential.”
– Rudi Maartens, Ward 47 DA candidate
My priorities:
- Service delivery issues are my focus point. Communication with Centlec, forming relationships with the municipality’s heads of departments in all the relevant spheres and reporting to the community is very high on my list of priorities.
- Proper health care is a big issue for most residents living in the smallholdings. I have long dreamt of private mobile clinics servicing these areas as an added service. I feel positive that such an initiative is within my reach.
- Illegal dumping is becoming an ever-increasing problem. Working together with neighbourhood watch organisations, perpetrators must be identified and held accountable. A dream of mine is a recycling plant in the Heidedal area, where dumping can be minimised, and jobs can be created.
Together, we can bring positive change in our community.