Your DA candidate Lida has been a proud resident of Tshwane for the past 12 years.
She started her career as a Clerk for the Department of Sport and Recreation. She then joined Drs Lingefelder and Partners as a Debtors Clerk. She is currently a homemaker, DA activist, and a part-time marketer for Coffee@Berkley.
She is a member of BNI Business Network Group and Friday Club Business Network Group.
She is the Fundraising Chairperson for the DA Tshwane Far East Constituency and DA Tshwane Ward 85 Chairperson.
“I want to make a difference in the lives of fellow South Africans. I want to help people to have equal opportunities and guard our freedoms ensuring a just society.”
– Lida Erasmus, Ward 47 DA candidate
My priorities:
- The Elardus Park Reservoir pumps need to be started manually after load-shedding, causing the reservoir to run out of water. I will engage with the municipality to make provision for these pumps to be on an automated system.
- Illegal dumping on Boeing Road is causing many problems, especially when the dumps catch fire. I will ensure that these areas are cleaned up through campaigns, and that they are properly patrolled to ensure a recurrence of illegal dumping does not happen.
- The “ghost mall” on Piercing Road is becoming a huge risk for squatters and other potentially criminal elements moving into the building. I will continue the work started by Daryl in engaging persons who can either complete the building or demolish it to repurpose the land.
Vote DA to ensure service delivery in our Ward. We can rescue South Africa!