DA commends Joburg Mayor Dr Mpho Phalatse for seeking solutions to the energy crisis through the Energy Indaba

Issued by Solly Msimanga, MPL – DA Gauteng Provincial Leader
23 May 2022 in News

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Gauteng would like to commend the City of Johannesburg under the leadership of Dr Mpho Phalatse for seeking alternative solutions to the energy crisis and for the city to become less reliant on Eskom.

The city is holding a two day Energy Indaba engaging with businesses to partner up and find solutions to load shedding by reducing the City of Johannesburg’s reliance on Eskom and Kelvin Power stations.

For the past 15 years, Eskom has failed to provide a stable supply of electricity to South Africans. People have been subjected to endless rolling blackouts which have a negative impact on people’s lives and livelihoods.

Mayor Phalatse is committed to delivering on her manifesto promises and priorities, which is to create a safe and business-friendly city.

Creating a safe city for residents means adopting less harmful energy sources.

Creating a business-friendly city requires that the city has and provides a reliable electricity supply so businesses do not suffer as a result of load shedding.

The city of Johannesburg intends to adopt green energy technologies to supply its electricity. Alternative methods of energy supply that the city wants to implement are the use of solar technologies, battery storage technologies, waste to energy and gas.

The Energy Indaba is the first step in the right direction,  we look forward to seeing further developments on this where the people of Johannesburg no longer have to be subjected to endless rolling blackouts.