Please find attached soundbites in English and Afrikaans by Dr Leon Schreiber MP.
Today, the announcement of stage 2 loadshedding as well as the postponement of the final Zondo report are concrete examples of how these cadre deployment affects our country on a daily basis.
Between 2014 and 2019, cadre deployment corruption has cost South Africa R34.2 million per hour.
The premiere of the DA’s documentary is our latest exposé which highlights the extent of cadre deployment and how it has opened the door to corruption and the capture of the State that has robbed South Africa of opportunities and billions of rands.
The documentary exposes how deep the rot goes, and how endemic corruption is within the ANC ranks. It chronicles the beginning of the ANC’s cadre deployment and how the political elite have used it as an opportunity to loot and line their pockets.
Through cadre deployment, State-owned entities like Eskom, Denel, SAA, and Transnet have been run into the ground. We must put an end to corrupt inept officials who are flushing money down the drain. The money lost through corruption could have built dozens of schools, fixed major roads infrastructure, and addressed serious health care problems, to name but a few.
To end cadre deployment corruption, the DA is taking the ANC to court over this damaging policy, and has also presented our End Cadre Deployment Bill to Parliament. We call on all South Africans to support our war against cadre deployment corruption by visiting