DollarGate: Presidential Protection Unit must answer for Phala Phala farm cover-up

Issued by Andrew Whitfield MP – DA Shadow Minister of Police
09 Jun 2022 in News

Please find an attached soundbite by Andrew Whitfield MP

The DA has written to the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Police, Ms Tina Joemat-Peterson, requesting that she summon the leadership of the South African Police Service (SAPS) VIP Protection Unit together with the leadership of the Presidential Protection Unit to appear before the committee. 

The recent revelations surrounding the theft of an estimated $4 million from the President’s Limpopo farm, Phala Phala, demand the highest level of scrutiny from Parliament in order to get to the bottom of this conspiracy.

The Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, has admitted that the head of the SAPS Presidential Protection Unit, General Wally Rhoode, knew about the incident and therefore failed to fulfil his legal obligation to report the crime which occurred at the President’s farm. This is also evident from the lack of reporting in the police annual reports. 

This is an unacceptable failure to uphold the highest standards of integrity to which the SAPS should be held and gives rise to legitimate suspicions that this is a cover-up. 

The SAPS VIP unit has been shrouded in secrecy for years. It is this secrecy which has led to this recent cover-up, and the DA will not rest until full transparency is applied to this unit. 

The DA has also submitted parliamentary questions to the Minister of Police to give him an opportunity to play open cards with the South African public.